First up, my sister-in-law FINALLY finished Juno (Rowan # ?) with some obvious modifications. It's been a long time coming but here it is. I'm really proud of her. This sweater looks awesome on her. Seriously great job!
I spent last week with my mom. It has apparently been FIVE years since I've been to her house. I don't really believe that but that's what I'm told! It was really great to get away from the city and get some sleep, spend quality time with mom and her dogs, and visit some sites that were as of last week new to me! I tried to convince her to get some Easy Tones but I actually think she came up with a better idea...a visit to the podiatrist! Then....Easy Tones.
Speaking of Easy Tones. They were the only shoes I wore while I was away. Which means I have worn them every single day since I got them! I know, crazy, right? so the results???
I'm pretty psyched! My butt is for sure "lifted" a little. I thought my pants were getting tight (i.e. I was gaining weight) but instead my butt has scooted up slightly....weird yet oddly ok. My heals hurt like crazy when I get up in the morning but they always do. The great news is that the balls of my feet don't hurt - at. all. Major accomplishment! I'm a little worried that they will break down faster than other shoes but I have to say I don't really care. I'm happy with the results. I'd buy them again in a second. oh they sell them at the Reebok Outlet!
The opening of the second location of the Tapas Bar that I manage opened with a fun party right before I went to visit my mom. It was a bit stressful but now we are off and running. I'll be back at it tomorrow planning Sherry tastings and getting the Flamenco performances up and clapping...
I am NOT knitting. This is a problem. I didn't want to chance taking all my stuff on the plane. I'm not working on a deadline so I didn't have to take the risk. I figured I'd come up with something when I got home. Well, I'm home. Hello creative inspiration. I'm ready! I actually wrote up a pattern last night for my sister-in-law. She's got the fever and needs to be knitting! I hope it works out for her!
I'm about to go stash diving. There is a pretty heather grey cashmere in one of my giant boxes. It's calling. I can hear it. I'm hoping it has something to say when I find it!!
I spent the day cleaning out my bookshelves, organizing all of the patterns I've written and submitted over the past year and a half, put my knitting magazines in chronological order, got rid of TONs of books and then attacked my desk! phwew! I still have to go through all of my receipts and file all of my paperwork, paid bills, etc. But I can see my way through it at this point! The end is near! Yee-ha!!
Next up........TAXES!