Monday, August 11, 2008

EZ's Knitted Garter Stitch Blanket

I finally went through my stash last week due to inquiries on Ravelry about some stashed yarn. And I have to say it was well worth the time. While I was looking for the yarns in question I was also looking for any unfinished projects that I had buried. I found the yarn and surprisingly I only found 1 unfinished project! Snap! The bad news is that I've used up the yarn for the project. It's a beautiful blanket using Aurora 8. The good news it that I can get the yarn anywhere! And I'm pretty far along. Maybe 1/2 way??

While I was in the boxes I found a ton of EcoWool remnants. Enough actually for the Knitted Garter Stitch Blanket from the Opinionated Knitter(I think I have enough??!). A blanket I've been wanting to make for a long time. I just haven't had the time in the past few....years?

I cast on the other day. Maybe the day the Olympics started. And I've completed both Piece A's. The smaller of the two sections. They form the inside of the blanket.

When turning the corner the options were to just knit and turn the piece around and work back, leaving the holes that are created or wrapping and turning. I got the impression that EZ just turned in a very no muss no fuss sort of way. So that's what I did.

Creating a little design feature at the corners. Giving a little definition. Oddly refreshing to knit. Boring garter stitch and then suddenly some action at the corners! lovely!

The yarn has created a super squishy, gorgeous, warm, BIG piece of knitting.

Because I have all of these remnants I was able to find colors that are one shade different. So the center pieces (A) will be the lightest. While the outer pieces (B) will be one shade darker and then the border will be one, maybe two shades darker than that. I think it will be really pretty. Plus because of the garter stitch-ness there will be natural shading happening. I have no idea what I'm making this blanket for. I don't need it. I don't have anyone to give it to. I think I'm just making room in my stash!

I guess I could have signed on to one of the knitting olympic sites. Because I did start this on opening ceremony day. eh, whatever.....

Oh, I've increased my stitches from the designated 24 to 36. My gauge was different than EZ's due to my yarn choice. (Actually, I'm assuming my gauge was different but I didn't do a swatch) So I upped the stitches. Thus knitting 36 ridges instead of the 24. It's very simple, this pattern. Anyone could knit it. I mean why knit a scarf when you can get a beautiful blanket?

I was at work the other night and someone came in with a very pretty sweater on. It turned out to be a Marc Jacobs cashmere beauty from a few seasons ago. I've sketched my own little version of it and will be swatching in a few days (after I finish the blanket, of course.) I have some red cashmere in my stash (found it the other day) that I'd really like to unload. Seems like the perfect pattern. It's a lace -y -ish sweater with some solid ribbing to hold it's shape....More to come on that.


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